Developmental Leadership Coaching & Facilitation for Climate Change
Supporting leaders and managers to take action that counts.

Realise your potential

As an experienced leadership coach, who speaks the language of business, I am passionate about helping you to lead your organisation or team through organisational and behavioural change to address the climate crisis. Now is the time to act. Climate leadership to tackle climate change can be overwhelming and it is challenging to make significant organisational change. Inspiring and leading action that really makes a difference to our future takes courage.

As a climate change coach I can help you to gain fresh perspectives, improve productivity, enhance decision making, attain goals and realise your leadership potential ensuring you are a climate change leader for a sustainable future. I will help you explore your most important leadership asset, you, by listening deeply and questioning with authenticity and humility, helping you to thrive in a complex and uncertain world and become the climate change leader we need. If you’re looking for innovative behavioural change within your organisation, or if you are an individual looking to drive climate change in a professional or political capacity, give me a call. 

“David draws on a variety of coaching theories and models to support people to flourish and realise their potential.”

Meet David Bennett

Specialising in evidence-based, solution-focused practice, I draw on a variety of coaching theories and models to apply scientific rigour to what makes people thrive and excel. Cognitive behavioural coaching, adult development theory and complex adaptive leadership are the main theories underpinning my coaching. Combining these theories with my passion for the environment and climate coaching, my coaching supports leaders and managers to respond to and take action for climate change. My coaching focuses on ‘being’ – being present and self-aware, engaging, observing, experiencing and reflecting so that you as a leader or manager can ‘do’ – plan, strategise, control, execute and perform. Take action that counts.

A coaching approach for the future

Whatever your circumstances or situation, as an accredited, qualified and experienced executive coach, David can offer these evidence-based coaching methods and assessments.

Executive Coaching

The world of business is a competitive and demanding place to be and even if you’re determined to keep moving forward towards a sustainable future, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the everyday tasks. Gain clarity and perspective while keeping your eyes on the future, including your business strategy, with executive coaching.

Climate Change Coaching

Climate Change Coaching will help to equip you to lead with a more sustainable future in mind, empowering you to build better relationships, move past barriers, change organisational culture and inspire action on climate change.

Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching gives you the opportunity to gain clarity and perspective; to reflect on what’s been happening for you and at the same time ensure you identify and work towards your goals, keeping your eyes on the future. David focuses on embodied leadership that enables and inspires leaders to access whole body intelligence and develop the capacity to be centred and grounded – even in difficult circumstances.

Political Coaching

Are you a local, regional or national political leader looking to address the climate crisis?  Staying focussed and adapting to the ever-changing environment, despite uncertainty, requires skill.  Lead, move past barriers and empower others to address climate change within the political arena.

Leadership Assessments

Gain a new perspective on your leadership abilities that can help to guide you in your personal development, increase your self awareness and set career goals.  Using evidence-based assessments, David can help you identify and capitalise your leadership strengths.

Maturity Profile (MAP)

The Maturity Profile is a robustly researched and validated instrument for measuring vertical development in leaders. We can use this to individualise the coaching that both supports and challenges you to develop horizontally and vertically.


(Previously Embodied Leadership Strengths Profile)

VerticalQ is a body-based assessment for intact leadership teams or groups who are seeking to improve how they engage and collaborate together to drive forward organisational outcomes. VerticalQ provides team members with personal insight and awareness on how to leverage each person’s strengths to maximise overall collective leadership effectiveness.

Leadership Circle Profile (LCP)

A high-quality 360° feedback leadership assessment that reveals the relationship between patterns of action and the internal assumptions that drive behaviour. Ultimately, LCP goes to the source of your leadership behaviour to get greater leverage on change.

Growth Edge Interview (GEI)

An in-depth Growth Edge Interview can help you find your current growing edge and better handle complexity, ambiguity and change. This is a three stage process designed to help leaders to understand what you believe and value, how to define yourself, and how you relate to others.


Liberating Structures Provides a fresh approach to strategic planning and purposeful meetings and workshops that helps leaders to achieve better results and allows everyone to contribute, collaborate and innovate together.

How it works


 In this fast-paced, ever accelerating and changing world it can be difficult to find time for personal development.  With virtual coaching you can access the benefits, without the constraints.  

In Person

An in-person individual or team coaching session creates a working partnership and atmosphere of trust and continuous improvement, allowing you to focus on your personal growth.


Team leadership coaching workshops encourage open communication and a sharing of ideas.  Benefit from hearing others’ experiences, reflections and breakthroughs.