Leadership Circle Profile

Using 360° feedback to develop your leaders

High-quality 360 degree tools measure a range of key leadership competencies such as self-awareness, relating, authenticity, decisiveness and strategic focus, which research has shown correlate highly with achieving results. Individuals assess themselves against a range of leadership competencies and invite a number of colleagues and associates to provide feedback using an online survey. The resulting profile gives them insight into how they are perceived as a leader.

Why use the Leadership Circle Profile™?

The Leadership Circle Profile™ is an effective way to empower your individual team members and, as a result, your organisation. Over 100,000 leaders have completed the leadership circle profile which gives a norm database of over 1 million evaluations.

Strengths based model

The Leadership Circle Profile™ is a strengths based competency model. Thoroughly researched and validated, it is the only 360 degree competency assessment that simultaneously provides focused competency feedback while revealing the underlying assumptions that cause an individual’s pattern of strengths and limitations. Unlike other 360° profiles it connects patterns of action with habits of thought and enables people to gain new awareness, perception, recognition and focus.

Debrief and coaching

Once the online surveys are completed a report is produced. I work with the participant to debrief what has been revealed via their profile. This debrief is then followed up with coaching sessions to explore issues, ideas, strategies and plans to help extend and build on their leadership strengths. By shining a light on the underlying thinking patterns that drive their current behaviour, they will have access to new choices and possibilities to increase their leadership effectiveness.

Leadership Assessments

As an accredited, qualified and experienced coach, David offers four evidence-based coaching methods and assessments and can work with you to identify the method that suits your circumstances best.

The Maturity Profile is a robustly researched and validated instrument for measuring vertical development in leaders.

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Embodied Leadership Strengths Profile is a body-based assessment for intact leadership teams or groups who are seeking to improve how they engage and collaborate together to drive forward organisational outcomes.

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A high-quality 360° feedback leadership assessment that reveals the relationship between patterns of action and the internal assumptions that drive behaviour

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An in-depth Growth Edge Interview can help you find your current growing edge and better handle complexity, ambiguity and change.

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Shifting Horizons is a smart, quick leadership assessment tool. It helps leaders like you explore your growth journey in an engaging way. This tool shows how you’ve grown as a leader and where you might go next.

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