Growth Edge Interview (GEI)

This is a three stage process designed to help leaders to understand what you believe and value, how to define yourself, and how you relate to others.

“One of the reasons people enjoy these interviews so much is they can find their bigness there. They inhabit the fullness of the space they can contain in these interviews with us.”

Jennifer Garvey Berger

Adult Development

Growth Edge Leadership Coaching and the Growth Edge Leadership Interview are based on adult development theory. This offers a guide to how we can deal with the challenges that arise in our life by figuring out what we believe and value, how to define ourselves, and how we relate to others.

Evidence gathered through research over the last four decades shows that adult development can be traced as a logical sequence of stages of increasing maturity. Each stage is generally more effective, flexible, and insightful than the one before. With each new level of development, leaders become significantly more capable of functioning at optimum levels and with more ease in our ever-more rapidly changing and ambiguous environment. Moving through the stages of development, we gain not only autonomy and freedom, but also increasing tolerance for difference and ambiguity. We generally become less defensive, and simply more open to what is true about ourselves including our fears.

Leadership Assessments

As an accredited, qualified and experienced coach, David offers four evidence-based coaching methods and assessments and can work with you to identify the method that suits your circumstances best.

The Maturity Profile is a robustly researched and validated instrument for measuring vertical development in leaders.

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Embodied Leadership Strengths Profile is a body-based assessment for intact leadership teams or groups who are seeking to improve how they engage and collaborate together to drive forward organisational outcomes.

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A high-quality 360° feedback leadership assessment that reveals the relationship between patterns of action and the internal assumptions that drive behaviour

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An in-depth Growth Edge Interview can help you find your current growing edge and better handle complexity, ambiguity and change.

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