
(Previously Embodied Leadership Strengths Profile)

VerticalQ is a pioneering, multiple brains assessment that reveals a person’s inner strengths through the natural intelligence of the body. For a team, this unique methodology provides immediate visibility into the team’s combined talents, strengths, challenges and performance opportunities.

VerticalQ multiple brains assessment is practical, reliable and fast to adopt, providing a profile and focus for personal growth that can be readily applied. Working with posture and attention, in a safe and supportive environment, a VerticalQ assessment provides immediate insight and discovery about preferred leadership styles. Team members gain valuable insights into each other’s strengths, characteristics and contribution. VerticalQ provides a more rapid and cost effective view of personal and team strengths and development opportunities than most paper-based assessments.

In developing the VerticalQ methodology, we have researched current disciplines in neuroscience, together with philosophies that are both old and new, eastern and western. These are combined with corporate business practice and delivered in a way that is meaningful and highly relevant for modern business today.

The overall goal of VerticalQ multiple brain assessments is to create the opportunity for personal awareness and growth and to deepen team insight and awareness on how to leverage each person’s strengths to maximise overall team performance. The team assessment is embedded within a Collective Leadership retreat program or can be taken standalone in a 1-day workshop. Follow-on individual and team coaching sessions deepen understanding and application of the new insights and support the team as a whole.

Individual assessments are extremely powerful for personal insight and development. The team assessment is especially beneficial for intact teams or groups that work together on a regular basis and are seeking to improve how they engage and collaborate to achieve business outcomes

Leadership Assessments

As an accredited, qualified and experienced coach, David offers four evidence-based coaching methods and assessments and can work with you to identify the method that suits your circumstances best.

The Maturity Profile is a robustly researched and validated instrument for measuring vertical development in leaders.

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Embodied Leadership Strengths Profile is a body-based assessment for intact leadership teams or groups who are seeking to improve how they engage and collaborate together to drive forward organisational outcomes.

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A high-quality 360° feedback leadership assessment that reveals the relationship between patterns of action and the internal assumptions that drive behaviour

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An in-depth Growth Edge Interview can help you find your current growing edge and better handle complexity, ambiguity and change.

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Shifting Horizons is a smart, quick leadership assessment tool. It helps leaders like you explore your growth journey in an engaging way. This tool shows how you’ve grown as a leader and where you might go next.

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