Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching gives you the opportunity to gain clarity and perspective; to reflect on what’s been happening for you and at the same time ensure you identify and work towards your goals, keeping your eyes on the future.

Leadership coaching will help you to learn and grow by improving your self awareness, your communication style and listening skills. A great leader has a growth mindset, is empathetic and can leverage strengths, theirs and those around them. 

Focus on ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’

David focuses on embodied leadership. In a world driven by complexity and speed, there are more demands on our time and energy. We can often feel overwhelmed and burnt out. We also disconnect from our inner knowing. Embodied leadership enables and inspires leaders to access whole body intelligence and develop the capacity to be centred and grounded – even in difficult circumstances.

Embodied leadership is about marrying the ‘doing’ and ‘being’ parts of us to:

Team Coaching

David offers leadership coaching for teams as well as individuals.
A team coaching engagement will often start with Ways of Working (WoW) workshop series. These are not like a typical workshop where there may be set content that is delivered. The workshops are fully customised and shaped completely from the diagnostics that stemmed from individual interviews with team members. This leads to further discovery as a team to identify areas of focus that the team agree are important to them to explore as a collective group.
David will often partner with another coach as having two team coaches combines strengths and ensures support to hold the space. Having two team coaches also allows us to model behaviours and ways of working together that demonstrate what good teamwork looks like. We demonstrate in the moment coaching with each other and with the team.
Our experience of delivering this kind of intervention has led us to appreciate that we need at least 6 sessions before the team begin to fully understand and appreciate the value and benefit of working together and how to effectively self-manage as a collective group.

A high-performing team is “a small group of people so committed to something larger than themselves that they will not be denied.”

Katzenbach and Smith