Leadership Assessments

Evidence-based coaching methods and assessments

Leadership assessments are designed to identify your skills and abilities to lead teams, manage and direct others. These tests can be used both for recruitment to understand the fit of a potential employee within the business, or as a tool for personal development.

Regardless of the stage of your career, leadership assessment will give you an objective idea of your abilities as a business leader. You will identify your leadership strengths, how to capitalise on them, and how to improve your leadership weaknesses. Self-awareness of your personal qualities and leadership skills can exponentially change the way you lead organisations and deal with others.

Leadership assessment can also help to guide your career development and help you to set career goals.

Leadership Assessments

As an accredited, qualified and experienced coach, David offers four evidence-based coaching methods and assessments and can work with you to identify the method that suits your circumstances best.

The Maturity Profile is a robustly researched and validated instrument for measuring vertical development in leaders.

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Embodied Leadership Strengths Profile is a body-based assessment for intact leadership teams or groups who are seeking to improve how they engage and collaborate together to drive forward organisational outcomes.

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A high-quality 360° feedback leadership assessment that reveals the relationship between patterns of action and the internal assumptions that drive behaviour

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An in-depth Growth Edge Interview can help you find your current growing edge and better handle complexity, ambiguity and change.

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