In a world of unprecedented uncertainty, complexity, change, and anxiety, how are you keeping your people motivated and productive?
One thing seems clear: whatever got you here, probably won’t get you to where you want to go next. The context of work and organisations has changed and the world of leadership and people development must adapt accordingly. Traditionally, organisations have been reluctant to invest in coaching for anyone other than the most senior tiers (or the most significant problems). Time, cost, and hassle have created barriers that have restricted the widespread use of this impactful intervention.
But times have changed.
In this Spring Leadership case study, based on an 18-month development programme we delivered for one of our clients, we’ll demonstrate how a smartly designed, democratised coaching programme significantly reduced overheads while delivering numerous positive impacts for both individuals and the organisation.
I’m part of Spring Leadership, a coaching consultancy whose purpose is to help people grow, to accelerate the deeply needed human development that will enable us to rise to the challenges of our times.