Unlocking Team Potential: The Power of the Ways of Working Team Coaching Programme

Imagine a team where collaboration flows seamlessly, diverse perspectives are valued, and collective performance soars beyond individual talents. In today’s fast-paced business environment, where organisations are constantly striving for a competitive edge, the importance of highly effective teams cannot be overstated. While individual talent is undoubtedly valuable, it is the collective effort and synergy of teams that drive organisational success. However, building a cohesive and high-performing team is no small feat. It requires intentional effort, a deep understanding of team and wider system dynamics, and a willingness to embrace continuous growth and development.

Enter the Ways of Working Team Coaching Programme, a transformative approach designed to unlock the full potential of your team. Developed by experienced executive and team coaches, Alyson Keller and David Bennett, this program offers a comprehensive and tailored solution to elevate your team’s performance to new heights.

Small group discussions during a Ways of Working team coaching workshop in Auckland, Aotearoa NZ
Small group discussions during a Ways of Working team coaching workshop in Auckland, Aotearoa NZ

Gain insights into your team using the PERILL team assessment

At the heart of the Ways of Working Team Coaching Program lies a diagnostic phase, which provides invaluable insights into your team’s current state. By utilising proven assessments, such as trust or psychological safety assessments, or the PERILL team assessment developed by renowned coaching research Professor David Clutterbuck, we gain a deep understanding of your team’s strengths, challenges, and areas for improvement.

This initial diagnostic phase is not a mere box-ticking exercise but a critical step in shaping the program’s direction. Unlike traditional workshops with predetermined content, the Ways of Working Team Coaching Program is fully customised based on the diagnostic findings. This approach ensures that the subsequent collaborative team workshops are laser-focused on addressing the specific needs and goals of your team.

Experienced team coaches

One of the unique strengths of this program is the collaborative effort between two experienced team coaches, Alyson and David. This dynamic duo combines their diverse strengths and expertise, providing a supportive and nurturing environment that allows your team to explore, learn, and grow together. The presence of two coaches also serves as a powerful modelling opportunity, demonstrating the very teamwork and collaborative behaviours that your team aims to cultivate.

Small group discussions doing a Liberating Structures dialogue process in Governors Bay, Aotearoa NZ
Small group discussions using a Liberating Structures dialogue process in Governors Bay, Aotearoa NZ

Ways of Working coaching programme focus areas

Through a series of interactive and engaging workshops, your team will embark on a journey of self-discovery and collective growth. The program’s focus areas are tailored to your team’s specific needs but may include:


  1. Purpose and Motivation: Establishing a shared purpose that ignites passion and commitment.
  2. Relationship Building: Getting to know each other on a deeper level, fostering trust and understanding.
  3. Listening to Learn: Developing active listening skills to enhance communication and collaboration.
  4. Team Expectations: Defining clear roles, responsibilities, and shared leadership.
  5. Conflict Management: Embracing constructive conflict and tension as catalysts for growth.
  6. Decision-Making: Cultivating effective decision-making processes that leverage diverse perspectives.
  7. Feedback: Creating a culture of open and honest feedback for continuous improvement.
  8. Understanding the System: Exploring the interconnected dynamics and stakeholder relationships that influence team performance.


Liberating Structures ensure every voice is heard

To facilitate these transformative workshops, the Ways of Working Team Coaching Program utilises a powerful methodology known as Liberating Structures (LS). These innovative processes are designed to foster engagement, collaboration, and creativity, ensuring that every team member’s voice is heard and valued. By the end of the program, your team will not only have gained invaluable insights and skills but will also be equipped to independently design and facilitate their own meetings and workshops using these easy-to-learn processes.

Small group vision activity at Systems Leadership team workshop, Port Moresby, PNG
Small group vision activity at Systems Leadership team workshop, Port Moresby, PNG

Creating long-lasting change in team culture, mindset and performance

The impact of the Ways of Working Team Coaching Programme extends far beyond the workshops themselves. As your team embraces the learnings and insights gained, they will experience a profound shift in their culture, mindset, and collective performance. This program is not merely a temporary intervention but a catalyst for long-lasting change, enabling your team to continually co-create greater beneficial value for all stakeholders, both current and future.


In the words of a delighted client, Kari Jones, General Manager of Analytics & Insights at Woolworths NZ, “Thank you, Alyson and David, for your hands-on leadership development support as we brought together a large extended A&I Leadership team, learning to work together, collaborate (not compete), leverage our strengths, increase our trust in each other and ultimately our ability to perform in a high-pressure environment.”


If you’re a leader of a team in a medium or large New Zealand organisation looking to unlock your team’s full potential, please contact us at david@davidbennettcoach.com to schedule an exploratory conversation. Working with us, your team will embark on a transformative, fully customised journey tailored to your unique dynamics and goals, fostering an exceptional culture of collaboration, trust and high performance.

Small group activity during a Ways of Working team coaching workshop in Auckland, Aotearoa NZ
Small group activity during a Ways of Working team coaching workshop in Auckland, Aotearoa NZ