Shifting Horizons: Widening Your Leadership Journey

What is Shifting Horizons?

Shifting Horizons is a smart, quick leadership assessment tool. It helps leaders like you explore your growth journey in an engaging way. This tool shows how you’ve grown as a leader and where you might go next.


How does Shifting Horizons work?

The assessment looks at your “action-logic” – think of it as your leadership mindset. It shapes how you lead and make decisions. Shifting Horizons helps you understand:

  1. Your self-awareness as a leader
  2. How you manage relationships
  3. Your approach to organisational systems

After the assessment, you’ll get a report with insights into your current action-logics, all responses from the process and practical suggestions for supporting your own development.


Why Leadership Growth Matters

Many think leadership skills stop developing after a certain point. But research shows leaders can keep growing and changing. This growth is called “vertical development.” It means getting better at leading in complex, ever-changing environments.

Developing later action-logics helps you:

  • Navigate change more effectively
  • Guide others and organisations through transformation
  • Think in innovative and sophisticated ways


Who Benefits from Shifting Horizons?

  • Leaders aiming to understand and boost their leadership style
  • Team leaders looking to enhance team dynamics
  • HR professionals supporting leadership development
  • CEOs and founders seeking to strengthen organisational leadership


How Shifting Horizons Enhances Leadership

  1. Reveals your predominant action-logics
  2. Boosts your leadership self-awareness
  3. Highlights your decision-making and action-taking patterns
  4. Gives insight into your leadership mindset
  5. Can improve team leadership and collaboration
  6. Helps unlock your leadership potential


The Research Behind Shifting Horizons

This tool is grounded in adult development research by Jane Loevinger, Suzanne Cooke-Greuter and William Torbert. Shifting Horizons is continuously improved, with ongoing global research in leadership development.


Your Next Leadership Steps

The foundation of any meaningful developmental experience includes assessment, challenge, and support. Shifting Horizons provides the assessment, and leadership coaching supports you to identify and experience challenges that are developmentally meaningful.

Ready to widen your leadership impact? Let’s explore your Shifting Horizons together. Contact David now.

Leadership Assessments

As an accredited, qualified and experienced coach, David offers four evidence-based coaching methods and assessments and can work with you to identify the method that suits your circumstances best.

The Maturity Profile is a robustly researched and validated instrument for measuring vertical development in leaders.

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Embodied Leadership Strengths Profile is a body-based assessment for intact leadership teams or groups who are seeking to improve how they engage and collaborate together to drive forward organisational outcomes.

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A high-quality 360° feedback leadership assessment that reveals the relationship between patterns of action and the internal assumptions that drive behaviour

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An in-depth Growth Edge Interview can help you find your current growing edge and better handle complexity, ambiguity and change.

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Shifting Horizons is a smart, quick leadership assessment tool. It helps leaders like you explore your growth journey in an engaging way. This tool shows how you’ve grown as a leader and where you might go next.

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